
Normal WBC Count By Age, How To Increase WBC Count, How To Increase White Blood Cells Quickly, What Foods Increase White Blood CellsSource : Flickr


White blood cells (WBCs) act as the body’s defense army. They protect us against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign pathogens. These cells are indispensable for the immune system as they respond to threats everywhere in the body.


When WBC counts drop below normal, leukopenia develops. As a result, the body’s defense system becomes compromised. This increases susceptibility to infections and slows down recovery. So, if you’re wondering how to increase white blood cells quickly, it’s vital to understand all the factors that affect WBC levels, including:

  •  Normal WBC count by age.
  •  Dietary habits.
  •  Medical treatments.

In this article, we’ll explore how to increase WBC count effectively, list what foods increase white blood cells, and discuss important diagnostic tools to monitor WBC levels.


Understanding Normal WBC Count by Age

To fully understand how to increase white blood cells quickly, it’s useful to know the normal WBC count by age. Keep in mind that blood cell counts naturally fluctuate based on factors such as general health, infections, and medications.


However, here are some general ranges:

Age GroupNormal WBC Range (mm³)
Newborns (0–2 weeks)9,000–30,000
Infants (2–8 weeks)5,000–21,000
Children (2 months–6 years)5,000–19,000
School-age children (6–18 years)4,800–10,800


These figures show the normal WBC count by age and how they vary dramatically. Leukopenia occurs when WBC levels fall below these normal ranges.


Potential causes of leukopenia include:

  •  Certain medications (e.g., chemotherapy).
  •  Severe infections.
  •  Autoimmune disorders.
  •  Genetic conditions.

A low WBC count interferes with the body’s ability to fight off illness, which causes an array of complications. For this reason, regular blood tests are vital to catch any deviations early and to identify how to increase WBC count if necessary.


Want to learn more about WBC counts and their importance? Check out this detailed guide: Understanding White Blood Cell Count


How to Increase White Blood Cells Quickly

Normal WBC Count By Age, How To Increase WBC Count, How To Increase White Blood Cells Quickly, What Foods Increase White Blood CellsSource : Shutterstock


If blood tests show a low WBC count, it’s useful to know how to increase WBC count. First, we need to ensure that the person has enough rest. You see, chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system, which makes it tougher to recover from leukopenia. Healthcare providers might recommend treatments such as colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) to boost WBC production.


Additionally, stress management is absolutely indispensable. When you’re under constant pressure, your body produces hormones that can suppress immune function. Therefore, relaxation techniques (e.g., meditation, yoga, light exercise) may help support WBC recovery.


Finally, it’s important to remain proactive and schedule regular health check-ups. Laboratory tests can confirm whether these lifestyle changes are increasing your WBC count effectively or if you require additional interventions.


For more resources on how to improve and monitor your blood cell health, feel free to explore NOUL’s miLab™ platform or read more about normal WBC count by age and related topics on NOUL’s blog page.


What Foods Increase White Blood Cells?

Normal WBC Count By Age, How To Increase WBC Count, How To Increase White Blood Cells Quickly, What Foods Increase White Blood CellsSource : Freepik


Diet is a powerful way for anyone who wants to learn about what foods increase white blood cells. Nutrient-rich foods support bone marrow function and immune response, which play a direct role in how to increase WBC count. We recommend that you prioritize protein from lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes to aid your body in the construction of new cells. Moreover, supply your boy with zinc, which is abundant in oysters, pumpkin seeds, and nuts.


Vitamin C–rich foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers are also vital to boost immunity. These fruits and vegetables stimulate the production of white blood cells. Conversely, poor nutrition deprives the immune system of the building blocks it needs, which worsens leukopenia and leaves the body more vulnerable to infections.


Wondering if your WBC count is low due to nRBC presence? Here’s what you need to know: nRBC Blood Test & Nucleated Red Cells


Diagnostic Advancements for Monitoring WBC Counts

fluorescence imaging, US FDA Class 1 medical device, medical device patent, tissue diagnostics, tumor microenvironmentSource : NOUL


Traditional blood smear tests require extensive manual work. This includes the preparation of slides, fixing, staining, and analyzing under a microscope. This process can be time-consuming and prone to human error. The good news is that innovative technologies such as NOUL’s miLab™ BCM are currently revolutionizing this process.


miLab™ BCM combines all steps (smearing, fixing, staining, and analysis) into one self-contained cartridge. This provides efficient and precise results that are comparable to an expert microscopist. The technology also uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver accurate diagnostics, which allows healthcare providers to measure WBC levels with confidence.


Beyond blood count analysis, miLab™ BCM also provides WBC morphology insights, helping practitioners assess structural abnormalities in white blood cells. This integrated approach enables a more comprehensive understanding of a patient’s immune health, supporting more precise diagnosis and treatment planning.

Whether someone wants to keep track of what foods increase white blood cells or identify more serious causes of low WBC counts, this technology provides timely and reliable insights. The technology is designed for scalability, which makes miLab™ BCM suitable for both large and mid-sized labs. This ensures that practitioners can diagnose, intervene, and guide patients on how to increase white blood cells quickly with minimal delay.


Want to understand how blood tests detect abnormalities? Explore the details in these guides: CBC Test: Normal Ranges & 5 WBC Counts & CBC & Peripheral Blood Smear Test!



Leukopenia can have serious consequences as it leaves the body more exposed to infections. To manage this condition, the first step is to identify normal WBC count by age. After that, we can adopt dietary changes and medical interventions to increase WBC count.


Pediatric patients often present a particular challenge in diagnosing and monitoring leukopenia due to the difficulty of blood collection, making traditional blood testing procedures less practical. Fortunately, NOUL’s miLab™ BCM is conducting specialized pediatric research, promising to simplify pediatric blood diagnostics significantly. This advancement means that in the future, accurate diagnosis of pediatric blood disorders will become easier, requiring only minimal blood samples and enhancing the overall efficiency of proactive pediatric healthcare.


Have questions about WBC testing or NOUL’s diagnostic tools? Send us inquiry today!